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Welcome to GemMine - the smartest DAO

GemMine - this is not just a farm! It will bring together and help projects such as Waterfall, Knights of Fantom, Moneyrain & MyMine

Am I safu? 🛡️

  • Using Smart Contracts, Tokens, and Crypto is always a risk. DYOR before investing and stay safe!

1) Our project does not have Twitter & TG! Always DYOR before investing any money!

All future information will be published on Twitter @defi_waterfall

2) The project has its own smart contracts so it does not need social networks and performs all actions automatically!

3) The project is led by the Waterfall team! So you can be sure of the honesty of the project!

4) Max Supply Only 12000 $GEMMINE

5) 100% LP locked with RugDoc

100% LP Locked with RugDoc https://ftmscan.com/tx/0xa1ca4e90fbdb763778e5132379bafcefd2f92bedd051c11fb52689661fe6f654

6) For Auto-Liquidity 4%

7) Transfer Tax 5% (None on Farming)

Stable & Boost APRs

Stable & Boost APRs will be available on GemMine!

We have a strategy that will help our investors earn bags of funds!

But always understand that this is High Risk! Also DYOR!

Why was this project created?

GemMine was created to support the project as Waterfall, Knights of Fantom, Moneyrain & MyMine!

What Deposit fees will be & how will the funds be used in the future?

Native LP & Native Single pool - 0% Deposit fees

Non Native (WFTM, MIM, SPELL, WBTC, USDC, WETH) - 4% Deposit fees - 1% will be used for buybacks & burns, 3% for project development

Non Native (MONEYRAIN, WATERFALL, KNIGHTS, MYMINE) - 2% Deposit fees - all funds (100%) will be used to burn tokens!

Smart contracts

GemMine 0x1e2a499fAefb88B2d085d7036f3f7895542b09De

MasterChef 0xf3C01F6D7ec85682FCAAfE438B8C6A3a54C7164C

Timelock 0xeDDbcaDB0C9Ece20588226b087B4AE1Bf2861405

CoinGecko https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/gemmine

FarmScan https://ftm.farmscan.io/address/0xf3c01f6d7ec85682fcaafe438b8c6a3a54c7164c

Nomics https://nomics.com/assets/gemmine-gemmine

Jago Safer https://jagosafer.io/gemmine

Defillama https://defillama.com/protocol/gemmine

YieldWolf https://yieldwolf.finance/fantom/gemmine-dao

RugDoc https://rugdoc.io/project/gemmime-dao/

VFAT https://vfat.tools/fantom/gemmine/

CoinMarketCap https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/gemmine/

Last updated