We have renewed our contracts! now they are even smarter and better!
Token Information:
Name: Moneyrain
Contract: 0x9ce66Ef13D88cb1bC567E47459841483c5d9457C
Chain: Fantom
Supply: 120
MAX Supply: 3,000
For Auto-Liquidity 4%
Transfer Tax (None on Farming) 5%
To be Burnt 1%
🔐100% LP locked with RugDoc!🔐 1️⃣https://ftmscan.com/tx/0x9b1796105c40457c49ad92f21ff14a21ce16300b4db3f09bfbef5637de6eb543 2️⃣https://ftmscan.com/tx/0x650ccc716357f972bd4cafd1ada2bb1fe821ae16561d8665a763f51a015206b1
Vulcano day
APRs Reset
100% LP locked
Wolf Vaults
Solidproof Audit
KYC (doxxing)
Only 3000 Max Supply
Emission Rate:
Initial emission rate: 0.00063 MONEYRAIN/Sec
Last updated